Ruth Golic News
Tango Argentino - Beginners I (Niveau I)
Workshop: Sat. 14. and Sun. 15. January 2023.
15.00 to 18.00
Freies Musikzentrum
! Tango Argentino Practica
(once a Month)
Practica in January
Fr. 20.01. from 19.30 to 21.45 Uhr
Freies Musikzentrum
Max Weberpl. 2 Rgb.
(7€ - ohne Anmeldung)
Save the Date: next Practica Fr. 17.02.
Modern Creative Dance - Further Education
Tai Chi Fan (Form from Ana Wu)
Coming up!...
Foto: Daniel Mauch
Februar 2025
Musik + Tanzperformance
Roberta Ragonese · Tanz, Stimme, Gedichte, Konzept
Marina Razumovskaja · Tanz, Stimme, Musik, Konzept
Ruth Golic · Regie
Christine Winter · Dramaturgie
Freitag 14. Februar 20 Uhr
Freies Musikzentrum-Saal
Ismaninger Straße 29
81675 München
März 2025
---- Vergangene Veranstaltungen
Experimenta 2019
Experimenta 2017
In-spiral dance en composition
In my longtime studies about the body in motion I have connected the concepts of stability and "economy" of effort that is practiced in qigong, plus the concepts of "spiral dynamics". We search connectivity in the body and from the body to the space .. Through improvisations we obtain ideas and "material of movement“, the organization of both may result in small or large compositions, either on your own or in a group. This course is aimed at anyone interested in a creative process using the body: professional and amateur dancers, movement teachers, actors, musicians, etc. And the results may be presented in a spot show.