Tango Argentino
Tango Argentino
In Tango Argentino the atmosphere of the couple dance emerges from the male and female role play.
A good posture embracing each other with a vivid feeling in the breast and the music are the basis for the typical steps, figures, ornaments and accents in Argentine dance..
Private lessons on request
Current Classes
Freies Musikzentrum:www.freies-musikzentrum.de
Tango coaching
Private lessons
Fit for Tango
Tango does not only mean dancing figures. We need much more:
A very good posture, a sensitive agility and a stabile axis for standing and walking: generally a great body awareness so that every step is taken in harmony with the partner, the music and the floor.
In lessons with exercises from Taji Qigong and Body Placement you will learn to move better, to stand, walk and turn in a natural and relaxed way.
This workshop is suitable for beginners as well as advanced dancers, men and women who would like to improve on their body awareness and posture by (not only) dancing.
Private lessons on request.
Current Classes: